Edible Haven Giveaway

Edible Haven, is a company focused on providing Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, 100% Natural Coconut Sugar, and Coconut Flour.

Coconut Oil has many health and beauty benefits.
How Virgin Coconut Oi(VCO) is Made

First , the husk and the shell are removed from a fresh coconut, and it is shredded. Then it is "Cold Pressed" to get the coconut milk without any chemicals. The milk is then fermented in containers for a day or two. After which, oil is produced. This oil is carefully filtered and separated from the curd. You now have what is called, VCO!

Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil:

A boost to the body's immune system
A good source of saturated medium chain triglycerides
Helps regulate blood sugar
Has anti-viral & anti-microbial properties
Helps maintain healthy thyroid function
Maintain LDL & HDL cholesterol levels
Heals & nourishes the skin, hair & scalp
Weight loss- contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off
excessive weight

How Coconut Sugar is Made-
It is derived from the evaporating coconut sap or sweet toddy through boiling in an open
container where it is then allowed to cool and solidify. Coconut sugar is produced by natural
process of heat evaporation with no preservatives added.
Major Health Benefit:
For the health conscious consumers, it can be considered to be the best sweetener substitute once it is available in the market because of the many benefits that it has to offer. Tests done by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute ( FNRI) have revealed a low Glycemic index (GI) of 35 compared to that of cane sugar’s Glycemic index of 50. Low glucose index food is good for proper control of diabetes mellitus and it has shown to lower the LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is the bad cholesteroHealth Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

* Boosts the body's immune system!
* Helps you lose weight - contains short and medium-chain fatty acids!
* Fantastic source of saturated medium chain triglycerides!
* Helps regulate blood sugar!
* Has anti-viral & anti-microbial properties!
* Helps maintain healthy thyroid function!
* Maintain LDL & HDL cholesterol levels!
* Embellishes the hair leaving it soft and silky when used as a hair conditioner!
* Leaves skin soft and smooth when used as a pure oil!

Our Virgin Coconut Oil is made using fresh coconut or what is called non-copra, fully dry coconut.  It is cold-pressed from organically grown coconuts. And of course 100% USDA Certified Organic! 
Common Uses: A nutritious substitute for baking, and a better-than-butter spread on bread, vegetables, or popcorn. Also, an ideal high-heat cooking oil (up to 350° F). As a conditioner, it embellishes the the hair leaving it soft and silky, and as a pure massage oil, it leaves the skin soft and smooth. 
Organic Coconut Sugar is a great substitute for other sugars due to its low Glycemic Index of 35. Perfect for diabetics, athletes and anyone else looking for a healthy alternative to other sugars and artificial sweeteners. Our organic coconut sugar is derived from the toddy or sweet sap of the coconut, not from the seed. Coconut sugar granules are dark brown in color similar to the Muscovado sugar from sugar cane. It tastes like an ordinary cane sugar, but with a sweet coconut taste. The sugar particles look rough, but feel soft in your hand. It will easily melt in your mouth and taste only slightly sweet.
Common Uses: A delicious and healthier alternative sweetener to cane sugar and brown sugar. Great for your morning coffee or your secret recipe brownies! You can use it to sweeten absolutely any food that you ordinarily use cane sugar or brown sugar for. It is also a great energy source due to its low GLYCEMIC INDEX (GI) of 35.

Organic Coconut Flour (coming June 2011!)
Edible Haven is proud to be one of the first companies to introduce Coconut Flour. This amazing product is naturally low in digestible carbohydrates and contains no gluten. It has less carbohydrates than soy or nut flours, but is very high in fiber and a good source of protein. Not to mention it is 4 times higher in fiber than oat bran, 2 times higher in fiber than wheat bran, and 3 times higher in fiber than ground flaxseed. 
Request our free coconut recipes and be the first to find out their launch date!

I tried the coconut oil on my hair as a conditioner.  It smelled so good and my hair looked shinier.  I put some on my bread, and it tasted pretty good.  I had to laugh that I ate something that I just used on my hair.  However, I like a product that is multi-purpose!
The coconut sugar said that it could be used on anything that you would normally use sugar or brown sugar on.  I like to have oatmeal for breakfast, so I sprinkled this sugar on it.  It was really good, and bit more flavorful then my sugar substitute that I normally use.
I would never have thought that coconut oil could be made into things like sugar, flour, and oil.  It tastes good and has many health benefits, so it is definitely a good addition to the market.

Edible Haven would like to offer one myokcmommy reader a sample pack of their products and a E-cookbook.
Want to win?
Here's how?
Leave a comment telling me if you have ever tried coconut oil before.
Extra entries for:
Like me on facebook and leave a comment saying that you do.
Follow me on twitter and leave me a comment saying that you do.
Like Edible Haven on facebook and leave me a comment saying that you do. 
Please leave separate comments, and direct all other comments or questions to my email.
Please leave an email address so I can contact you if you are the winner.  Contest will end on Sunday April 10th at 8pm.
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Suburban prep said...

The only way that I have tried Coconut oil is to put it in my hair to try to soften it up. It does work.
msgb245 at gmail dot com

rauzi87 said...

I have never tried coconut oil but have always wanted to

rauzi87 said...

facebook fan

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rauzi87 said...

facebook fan of edible heaven

rhonda said...

I have never tried coconut oil. Sounds very interesting. vercatfrontiernetdotnet

rhonda said...

FB fan. vercatfrontiernetdotnet

Mnemosyne said...

Never tried it but would like to!


Mnemosyne said...

Follow you on twitter @MnemosynesCall


Mnemosyne said...

Follow you on fb as Mnemosyne Williams


Regina D said...

I ave never tried it but really want to!

Regina D said...

Like edible haven

Regina D said...

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Regina D said...

Twitter follower. Thank you!

Amberpebs said...

No, I have never tried the product, but I love coconut and I am sure I would like this!

Amberpebs said...

I like you on Facebook
Ashley Kirkland

Amberpebs said...

I Like Edible Haven on facebook
Ashley Kirkland

Niecey said...

Yes, I love cooking with coconut oil! I cook eggs and mushrooms and veggies in it, I add it to smoothies, I make cookies with it. it's yum.

Niecey said...

I follow you on twitter

Niecey said...

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Niecey Docherty

aharvey91 said...

i have never tried coconut oil but i would like to

aharvey91 said...

i like my okc mommy on facebook


aharvey91 said...

following my okc mommy on twitter


aharvey91 said...

i like edible heaven on facebook


Mary Kay said...

I use it for baking

Julia said...

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Julia said...

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Julia said...

I have used coconut oil in the past for baking cakes...they turn out extra fluffy!

Julia said...

like edible heaven on fb