Rock n Learn Letter Sounds Review and Giveaway

Rock 'N Learn: Letter Sounds
Cool music and fun games build excitement about learning to read. Letter Sounds covers the most common sound that each letter makes.  Letter Sounds DVD with its "on-screen mouth" shows how to form each sound. By the end of these programs, students are combining letters to read words and even simple sentences.
hat makes Letter Sounds one of our most successful products ever? Attention-grabbing music, energetic characters, and action-packed games get kids excited about sounding out letters and learning to read.

After a quick review of the alphabet, young learners discover the most common sound that each letter makes. Now, the phonics games really begin! Kids race the clock to say letter sounds before hearing the answers. They'll giggle along as they name the letters heard in silly sentences. Combining letters to make words comes next. And at last, after practicing with common sight words, it's time to read stories composed of simple sentences! The attention-grabbing on-screen mouth (Letter Sounds Video – DVD) shows students how to correctly form each sound.
I wanted this Rock n Learn DVD for my five year old.  He is starting kindergarten next month and he does know some of his sounds and can identify some of the capital and lowercase letters.  I try to teach him, but sometimes he just doesn't want to take the time to learn with me.  This DVD is super fun though, and keeps his attention.  It shows both the lower and uppercase letters together while telling the child a word that starts with the letter and enunciating that beginning sound.  The race the clock game that was referred to earlier is very fun as well.  The announcer shows a letter and says what it is and then the child is supposed to say the letter and the sound.  The announcer waits a few seconds and just says the letter and sound.  What I like about this game is that the announcer isn't saying anything like "good job" or "did you get it right?"  He just keeps on with the letters and sounds.  So far, these are the parts that my little boy is concentrating on.  He hasn't worked too much on the combining letters to make words, but he will get there!
I wanted to make a comment that my three year old is in speech.  The teacher holds up objects to her mouth so that he can see her mouth form the sounds.  I think this DVD is also going to be beneficial to him as well.  He doesn't always look at the teacher, but he does keep his eye on the mouth on the television!!  Keep in mind that this DVD is recommended for ages 4-7, but I think it is needed for my youngest due to his speech delay.
There are many varities of Rock n Learn to help teach your child.  They have categories such as, preschool and kindergarten, phonics, reading and writing, math, other languages, social studies, and test taking strategies.  Use code JQ7711 to get 25% off your entire order at Rock n Learn.
Rock n Learn would like to give one lucky myokcmommy reader a DVD or CD as a prize.
Here's how to win-
Tell me which CD or DVD looks like it might be your favorite.
Extra entries for:
Like me on facebook and leave a comment saying that you do.
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Sign up for Rock n Learn's E-newsletter and leave me a comment saying that you do.
Please leave separate comments, and direct all other comments or questions to my email.
  Contest will end on Saturday August 13th at 8pm.
*Important Contest Information  I will announce winner on the site and you will have to contact me by email within 48 hours or I will redraw for a new winner*

Thank you to Rock n Learn for my sample used in this review.  My opinions are my own and honest.
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Lindsay Y said...

the rock and learn letter sounds looks like it would benifit my daugter

Lindsay Y said...

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candace said...

I like the Letter Sounds DVD.

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rauzi87 said...

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i like letter sounds

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Cinderella10383 said...

The alphabet CD or DVD sounds great
Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

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