Did you know that Welch's Grape Juice has heart healthy benefits?

As the nation finished up American Heart Month this February, a new Porter Novelli Styles survey of more than 4,000 Americans, sponsored by Welch’s, found a significant gap between consumers’ awareness of the heart-health benefits of common foods, and their purchase habits.  Two-thirds of consumers recognize that red wine, salmon, oatmeal or olive oil are heart-healthy foods.  However, only a fraction of those same consumers buy these foods on a monthly basis.
Interestingly, the survey established that those who buy grape juice each month are much more likely to buy other heart-healthy foods.  In fact, they are nearly twice as likely to purchase olive oil and a third more likely to buy salmon than the overall population.
“We couldn’t be more delighted to find that regular grape juice consumers are heart-smart shoppers,” said Casey Lewis, MS, RD, Welch’s Health and Nutrition Lead.  “But unfortunately, this survey also revealed that many Americans aren’t yet aware of the heart-health benefits of grape juice.  In fact, while 66% of consumers know that a glass of red wine is good for their hearts, only 29% realize that they can get many of the same heart-healthy plant nutrients that are in red wine from grape juice made with Concord grapes.  So we have a great educational opportunity during American Heart Month.”
Like red wine, Concord grapes have a mix of natural plant nutrients called polyphenols.  Not only do these plant nutrients give Concord grapes their vibrant color and bold taste, growing research suggests that certain polyphenols can act as antioxidants and deliver benefits to help promote heart health.
“Every four-ounce glass of Welch’s 100% Grape Juice is made with more than 20 whole Concord grapes and counts as one serving (1/2 cup) of fruit.  And, over a decade of research suggests that thanks to the Concord grape, Welch’s 100% Grape Juice can help support a healthy heart,” Lewis added.
While heart smart eating is essential, your genes can also affect your health.  In fact, according to this survey, 56% of Americans recognize that it’s important to know their families’ health histories.  With that in mind, Welch's has created the Welch’s Family Vine Tool, an adaptation of the U.S. Surgeon General’s tool, which gives you the ability to gather and share your family's documented heart-health history with your health care provider and loved ones.
To learn more about this tool and additional heart-healthy resources for the whole family, including delicious recipes, visit welchs.com/rewardyourheart.

My family absolutely loves Welch's grape juice.  My husband loves it the most, and constantly asks me to buy it for him.  I really didn't know about all the heart health benefits of drinking grape juice, but that is a nice bonus, to something already so tasty!!! Don't forget to visit welchs.com/rewardyourheart.  There are a few handy tools on there including one to help you with heart-healthy food choices. You can also print out a coupon for $1.00 off a bottle of Welch's juice here.

I was given samples to facilitate this review.  I was not compensated in any other way.  My opinions are my own and honest.
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