Elmo the Musical: Volume 2: Learn and Imagine- Available on DVD Today

In Sesame Street: Elmo the Musical Volume 2: Imagine and Learn, kids will sing, dance, play and imagine along with Elmo on math-filled adventures!  They’ll join Elmo as he becomes a cowboy in his musical “The Count-by-Two Kid,” and escorts six kitty-cows through a canyon to the Double Double Dude Dude Ranch Ranch. Next, they’ll don a detective hat with Elmo to help investigate the secret behind all the sneezing. An extension of Sesame Street’s STEAM curriculum (science, technology, engineering, arts and math), each episode is an interactive, fun-filled musical adventure created by Elmo and the child at home. Focusing on imagination and math skills, such as enumeration, relational concepts, addition/subtraction, geometric shapes and many more, Elmo takes viewers on thrilling explorations as he imagines himself in many adventures. This DVD also includes bonus full-length video of Play With Me Sesame: Imagine With Me, which focuses on imagination and interactive learning.
Pickup your copy of Elmo the Musical today for $11.98 at Walmart.
Thank you to Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Company for my copy used to facilitate this post.  I was not compensated in any other way.
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