Below are some interesting tips on being
prepared from NASA Senior Engineer Dr. Arthur Bradley, who literally wrote
the book on the subject — on emergency preparedness, that is. He’s the
author of “Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the
Family.” Written with a family-friendly style that’s easy to read and
understand, Dr. Bradley delivers must-have information for personal and
family safety without scaring anyone.
via the CreateSpace self-publishing, print on-demand platform, the
450-page “Handbook” is a guide for families everywhere, and is filled
with lots of useful details that everyone can use, from evacuating their
home and their general area during a disaster, to purifying water,
storing food and protecting themselves and their property.
preparing the book, Dr. Bradley, a former paratrooper and college
professor with a PhD in engineering, consulted “every reference and
preparedness plan” available, collected information from various
agencies, conducted searches and tests and referenced 260 sources for
his book. Important to him was helping families pull together a plan
that works for them, including special needs for people with
disabilities and the elderly as well as providing details on how to
create an effective network (ie, teaming up with neighbors and friends
to help one another survive the disaster). He also provides websites
for useful information and exercises families can practice to help them
prepare for the unexpected emergency.
four years in the making, Dr. Bradley is committed to updating the
“Handbook” yearly so the material is as fresh and useful as possible to
readers. I’m passing along a Tip Sheet of 13 key points for every
family’s preparedness below. This is really something that is
beneficial for all families!
Thirteen Basic Disaster Preparedness Tips
1. Start
paying attention. Get a weather radio. Monitor local and national
events. Be more aware of your surroundings and things that may affect
your family. Stay Alert = Stay Alive!
2. Make
a simple list of dangers that you are most likely to face, many of
which are dependent on where you live. Next, assess the shortages or
hardships that these dangers might cause, such as loss of electricity,
water contamination, or inability to travel the roadways. Finally, make a
few basic preparations to mitigate the effects of those hardships
(perhaps keeping a generator in your garage or installing a water
3. Stock
up on consumables that might end up in short supply: food, water,
candles, batteries, generator fuel, ammunition, diapers, etc.
4. Shore
up your shelter. Take time to inspect your dwelling to make sure it is
in good repair and capable of protecting your family.
5. Plan
your possible evacuation. Identify where you will go, at least two ways
to get there, and what supplies or valuables you will take with you.
6. Put together a small emergency kit for your automobile.
7. Review your insurance policies and adjust or supplement them to have an adequate safety net in place.
8. Have ready a properly-sized backup heating system (if appropriate to climate).
9. Establish an emergency fund that can be quickly accessed when a financial hardship occurs.
10. Learn first aid, and put together a well-stocked family kit.
11. Maintain a minimum 30-day supply of important medications and medical supplies.
12. Create a network of like-minded individuals committed to working together to survive dangerous events.
13. Consider the special needs of those within your household, including children, the elderly, those with disabilities, and pets.
Source: Arthur T. Bradley,PhD, Author of “Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family” (CreateSpace)
Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness is available on via CreateSpace.
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