Hallmark's Back to School Package Review and Giveaway

In our community school starts tomorrow.  I have children entering third, first, and pre-k.  Just like any other mom out there, I can't believe they are old enough for these grades.  
When I was little, I loved school, but I was always a little nervous.  It would have been nice to have a little something extra in my bookbag that would have surprised me when I opened up that bookbag. Well, Hallmark has a few items that you can give your kids to help them smile and feel a little at ease on that first big day of the year!!!

Bug 'Em

If you love 'em, bug 'em. Delivers pocket-size surprises to celebrate the little things that make being a kid a special occasion.  

The back of this bug is a little zippered pocket that you can put things in.  I am going to write a little not note and put a little special snack in it for my son's first day of school.  I am all about a healthy snack, but when he sees cookies in the bug, he will be happy. I also have been thinking with a name like Bug'Em, I could put things in there to sort of "bug him" to remember something.  For instance, I could put money in the bug as sort of a reminder on bake sale days to not forget his money!!

Lunch Notes for Kids

It's easy to pack a little love in your child's lunch with these fun, heartwarming notes. The 50 tear-off notes are perfect for tucking in a lunch box or leaving on a pillow.

When I was in grade school, I remember my friend Margo's mom putting  little notes in her lunchbox.  I told my mom about it, but when she finally put a note in my lunchbox, it didn't have the same effect.  You know I wanted her to think of it on her own!

Hallmark has tons of different notes to choose from in this pack.  Example: Just wanted to let you know that this lunch is packed with love.  Yes, there's food too, but its food with love!  I remember how cool Margo's mom was, maybe you can score some points with these cards!!!

Hallmark would like to offer one lucky reader a Back to School Package.
Want to win? 
Here's how:
Tell me how you encourage your child.
Extra entries for:
Like me on facebook and leave a comment saying that you do.
Follow me on twitter and leave me a comment saying that you do. 
Like Hallmark on facebook and leave a comment saying that you do.
Please leave separate comments, and direct all other comments or questions to my email.
  Contest will end on Sunday September 2nd  at 8pm.
Thank you to Hallmark for my samples used in this review.  My opinions are my own and honest.
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Country Cookin' Mama said...

I leave them notes telling them how great they are.
countrycookinmama at gmail dot com

Country Cookin' Mama said...

I'm a fan of yours on FB. {Kim Hilder}
countrycookinmama at gmail dot com

Regina D said...

I praise her every chance i get and when she shows discouragement i just try to talk her up or show her we are all not perfect

Regina D said...

Like on facebook

Regina D said...

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Regina D said...

Like Hallmark on facebook

Tami Vollenweider said...

I've always told my Son he could do anything,that he put his mind to!


Tami Vollenweider said...

Facebook Fan of Yours(Tami Simoneaux)


Tami Vollenweider said...

Follow You on Twitter tamilynn59


Tami Vollenweider said...

Facebook Fan of Hallmark(Tami Simoneaux)

Unknown said...

We are always trying to do activities together and let her know how great she is doing. I also praise her when she does good things without being asked + when she has a positive attitude when I ask :)

Unknown said...

I like My OKC Mommy on FB


Unknown said...

I follow on Twitter @weesharelindsey


Unknown said...

I like Hallmark on Facebook


Hollowsins said...

I tell my kids how great they did and remind them that everyone is different and good at different things

Hollowsins said...

like you on facebook
amanda hardesty

Hollowsins said...

like Hallmark on facebook
amnada hardesty

Yolanda said...

I tell them every morning how very proud i am of them.


Yolanda said...

I follow My Oklahoma City Mommy on twitter / mrsskyrob


Yolanda said...

I like My Oklahoma City Mommy on fb/ Yolanda R.


Yolanda said...

I like Hallmark on fb/Yolanda R


Anne N. said...

I do special activities or let them eat something special.

Anne N. said...

I liked you on FB. calgrl76 at hotmail

Anne N. said...

following you on twitter, ca4muse
calgrl76 at hotmail

Anne N. said...

following hallmark on FB.

Debbi said...

I like to point out good things that my children do or things that make them special/different from others. I also try to show them how their 'negative' qualities can be used in a good way (ie stubbornness=bad but perseverance to do right=good)

debbi.diamondgrove at gmail dot com

Debbi said...

Like you on FB (Debbi AlwaysEnough)

debbi.diamondgrove at gmail dot com

Debbi said...

Follow you on twitter (debbi_AlwaysE)

debbi.diamondgrove at gmail dot com

Debbi said...

Like Hallmark on FB (Debbi AlwaysEnough)

debbi.diamondgrove at gmail dot com

Chastity M. said...

I always tell my kids that everyone starts a new beginning and it maybe scarey but everything will be fine.

Chastity M. said...

I always tell my kids that everyone starts a new beginning and it maybe scarey but everything will be fine.

Chastity M. said...

Im a fan of yours on facebook. Chastity McCleary

Chastity M. said...

follow you on twitter.

Chastity M. said...

like hallmark on facebook.

kellyr78 said...

I encourage my child by telling him he'll do fine and reminding him of all the fun he had in the past.

kellyr78 said...

I like you on FB(Kelly D Saver)

kellyr78 said...

I follow you on twitter(Kellydpa)

kellyr78 said...

I like Hallmark on FB(Kelly D saver)

mrussell said...

Like u on fb

mrussell said...

Follow u on twitter

mrussell said...

I put notes in their lunches

mrussell said...

Like Hallmark on fb

Unknown said...

I encourage my daughter to do her best.I preaise her and tell her how proud I am of her.I tell her everyday I love her.I tell her she can be anything she wants to be with a little hard work.Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
tigers3450@att.net :)

Unknown said...

I like Hallmark on FB
Sue Hull

Unknown said...

Well I'm a staying home mom so we have plenty time we play a lot and one of the things we always do is learn that you cannot always win but you need to do your best effort, my kids always find notes inside their launches with a little messages like food for champions or princess no always need to be rescue silly things we all love

Unknown said...

I like/fan your you on Fb as Constanza Oller de Moore


Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter as @connymoore


Unknown said...

I'm a fan/like Hallmark on FB


latanya t said...

with hugs and kisses and words of encouragement

latanya t said...

I like you on facebook

latanya t said...

I like Hallmark on fb

Nikki Lynn Hanna said...

I like your page on facebook as Nikki Lynn Hanna


Nikki Lynn Hanna said...

I like Hallmark on fb as Nikki Lynn Hanna


Nikki Lynn Hanna said...

I follow your page on twitter as @weemuss09


Nikki Lynn Hanna said...

We constantly congratulate my daughter when she makes something in class,she's in 4k and if she had a good day and didn't get in trouble for talking in class


Diana said...

I like encouraging my granddaughters by noticing the good things they do

Diana said...

I like you on fb

Diana said...

I like Hallmark on fb

Anna Maloy said...

I encourage my kids with lots of hugs, "I love you"s, and making sure that they know I am always paying attention.

maloydeals at gmail dot com

Anna Maloy said...

I Like you on Facebook (Anna Chapdelaine Maloy)

maloydeals at gmail dot com

Anna Maloy said...

Following on Twitter. @AnnaMaloy

maloydeals at gmail dot com

Anna Maloy said...

I like Hallmark on Facebook (Anna Chapdelaine Maloy)

maloydeals at gmail dot com

cw said...

I encourage them to do their best and focus on their feelings of being pround.24 michianq

pmj said...

I notice the special ways that they are.
pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

fb fan
pamela j

pjames330 at aol dot com

Holly S. said...

Lots of "I love you!" and "I'm so proud!" Hugs and kisses and "You can do it!" Thanks!

pmj said...

hallmark fb fan
pamela j

pjames330 at aol dot com

pmj said...

twitter follower

pjames330 at aol dot com

John Joseph said...

I encourage them by rewards but also let them know i am proud of them as long as they do their best


John Joseph said...

I like hallmark on facebook
John Joseph


Pam said...

I encourage my child with lunchbox notes on her napkin. My mom did it for me, and I enjoy doing it for her. I also am sure to praise her for the good things she does, not just scold her when she misbehaves. Thanks for the giveaway.


John Joseph said...

i like My OKC Mommy on facebook
John Joseph


Pam said...

I follow OKC Mommy on Facebook (Pamela Halligan).


Pam said...

i follow Hallmark on Facebook (Pamela Halligan).


John Joseph said...

I follow My OKC Mommy on twitter @johnverse68


[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...

I tell them try the best to do anything, so they can have more confidence in their minds!
Fiona N - iceyogurt(at)gmail(dot)com

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...

Liked You on facebook as name: fiona nuyen
Fiona N - iceyogurt(at)gmail(dot)com

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...

Followed You on twitter @ciao6211
Fiona N - iceyogurt(at)gmail(dot)com

[Whatever U are, be a good one!] said...

I like Hallmark on facebook as name: fiona nuyen
Thank You for the nice giveaway!
Fiona N - iceyogurt(at)gmail(dot)com

Mom Caboodle said...

I tell my children they can be anything they set their mind to.

shanna at mom caboodle dot com

Mom Caboodle said...

I like you on Facebook (Shanna Bailes)

shanna at mom caboodle dot com

Mom Caboodle said...

I follow you on Twitter (@momcaboodle)

Shanna at mom caboodle dot com

Mom Caboodle said...

I follow Hallmark on Facebook (Shanna Bailes)

shanna at mom caboodle dot com

Heather R said...

I make sure to give her lots of praise when she does well


Heather R said...

I follow via Twitter


Nancy said...

We talk about their achievements and tell them how proud of them we are.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Heather R said...

I Like Hallmark on facebook


Nancy said...

Like Hallmark on FB

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Amy W. said...

I encourage my kids by praising them for doing their best and trying. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I like you on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Amy W. said...

I like Hallmark on facebook. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

Jodi said...

I encourage my kids with praise and lots of snuggles. They do not read yet, but I love the idea of leaving notes in their lunch box when they do.

jodidawson at hotmail dot com

Jodi said...

I am follow OKC on twitter @tjdawson18.

jodidawson at hotmail dot com

Jodi said...

I like Hallmark on facebook.

jodidawson at hotmail dot com

Jenny18286 said...

I encourage by reminding about their strengths...sometimes kids and people in general get so stuck on their weaknesses that they forget about their strengths

Jenny18286 said...

I like MyOKCMommy on FB

Jenny18286 said...

I like Hallmark on FB

Jenny said...

I encourage my child by leaving notes in his lunch and just supporting everything he wants to do.

jenny_anwar at yahoo.com

Jenny said...

I like Hallmark on FB. Jenny 'Lemke' Anwar

jenny_anwar at yahoo.com

Jenny said...

twitter follower - jenny_anwar

jenny_anwar at yahoo.com

Jenny said...

I like you on FB. Jenny 'lemke' Anwar

jenny_anwar at yahoo.com

Sherrie C. said...

I encourage them by letting them know how special they are to me.


Sherrie C. said...

Like you on Facebook as Sherrie Cruson


Sherrie C. said...

Following you on twitter @callawishes
